niedziela, 3 marca 2013

Listing permissions for Sharepoint 2010 - including information about inheritable permissions lists/libraries and files

I am about to describe my struggling with SCCM 2007 to 2012 upgrade, but just before that I would like to share with you guys a script I was dreaming to have time to write to.

I am talking about script that is listing permissions for sharepoint and all libraries and files that don't inherit permissions.

It was slightly a horrible nightmare for me to list permissions for the web application - there was a time, where users had power to grant permissions for folders and files. After a couple of years there was an idea from the managment - let's take back those permissions and put everythign in User Rights Management system...

First thought:
- F*#k
Second - much the same. Finally I had some time and written a script that lets me to specify precisely on what file in what library who the hell has permissions :D

Here it is:

$url = "http://<WEB_APPLICATION_NAME>"
$site = Get-SPWeb ($url)
$pliki = @()

foreach ($web in $site.Site.AllWebs)

# if ($web.Url.StartsWith($url)) { # Uncomment for listing whe whole web application

  if ($web.Url -match "http://<WEB_APPLICATION_NAME>/<SOME_FOLDER>") { #Uncomment to list just one particular site


    $host.ui.RawUI.ForegroundColor = “Green”;
    Write-Host ("PErmissions for website " + $web.Name + " ,Url: " + $web.Url)
    $lists = $web.Lists
    Write-Host "Website contains the content libraries:"
    $host.ui.RawUI.ForegroundColor = “white”;
    foreach ($list in $lists) {

# (START) Getting the files with non heritable permissions
        foreach ($ll in $list.items){
            if ($ll.HasUniqueRoleAssignments -match "True"){
            $e = $ll.url
               foreach ($upr_f in $ll.RoleAssignments){
               $f = $
               $g = $upr_f.RoleDefinitionBindings | foreach {$}
               $paczka = "$e,$f,$g"
               $pliki += $paczka
# (END) Getting the files with non heritable permissions

# (START) Getting the list/libraries with inheritable permissions

    $l = $list.folders
    foreach ($upr in $l){

#   if ($ -match "Systemy - admini"){ #Uncoment if you would like to list particular list/library, do not forget
#   to uncommenct the bracket below
    $a= $upr.Url
    $b = $upr.HasUniqueRoleAssignments
        if ($b -eq "True"){
        $host.ui.RawUI.ForegroundColor = “green”;
        Write-Host "The list/library with unique permissions:"
        $host.ui.RawUI.ForegroundColor = “yellow”;
        foreach ($u in $upr.RoleAssignments){
        $c = $
        $d = $u.RoleDefinitionBindings | foreach {$}
        Write-Host "$a, $c, $d"
        if ($pliki) {
        $host.ui.RawUI.ForegroundColor = “Green”;
        Write-Host "Files with unique permissions"
        $host.ui.RawUI.ForegroundColor = “yellow”;

    $pliki = @()
    $host.ui.RawUI.ForegroundColor = “Green”;
    Write-host "#-------------"
    $host.ui.RawUI.ForegroundColor = “white”;
#   } Bracket for "IF" specifying list/library

# (END) Getting the list/libraries with inheritable permissions


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