wtorek, 24 września 2013

SCCM 2012 - *.bat files are not being copied to distribution point

We've recently installed the new IntelSCS addon for AMT Vpro on SCCM 2012 -> https://downloadcenter.intel.com/Detail_Desc.aspx?lang=eng&DwnldID=20921
Couple of days ago I had this strange ticket form our application administrator, he told me that there is some sort of problem with IntelSCS package (that was automatically created by the IntelSCS addon). In workstation log I found information that file "Remote_Discover.bat" was not found:


That was bit of strange, additionally because this package was created by the addon itself.
The first step was to check if those files are in the distribution point, it appeared that all files, beside all *.bat files, were copied successfuly:

I checked the source path in packade, it was ok. It was pointing to the “Local folder on site server” it was like E:\…. and was ok, the bat files was also there.
I reached to the bottom of my mind ;) and reminded that it might be something with that local paths, I have changed the path to “Network path (UNC name)“. After updating distribution point with that package – guess what :) , it was ok now:

So if some of your files won’t distribute, firstly think about changing the path to the sources from Local  to UNC.

ZABBIX - listing permissions

Today one of our security officer asked me to retrieve a list of users and permissions from our zabbix systems.

The problem occured while I was trying to associate users' groups to hosts' groups. There is in fact one subsite "permissions" under "Administration" -> "Users" after clicking on particular group link. But you cannot copy any information from there. Additionally if you have many groups that would be tidious task.

Instead of that I decided to retrieve the permissions from the database: here is the working sql command:

SELECT r.permission as "Permissions", g.name as "User Group", z.name as "Host Group" FROM zabbix.rights as r
join zabbix.usrgrp as g
on r.groupid = g.usrgrpid
join zabbix.groups as z
on z.groupid = r.id

2 in the "permission" column means "read" access, 3 means "read/write" permissions.

sobota, 3 sierpnia 2013

[SOLVED] SCCM 2012, "waiting for content" problem with ID 10035 and KB2840628

Lately I have received complaining from my colleagues from Helpdesk that no packages are being deployed on workstations.

All they saw is 0% of compliance and it didn't seem to go any further.

I made a package with GIMP and deployed it to my workstation

I looked at my workstation's logs, and this is what I have received in DataTransferService.log:

UpdateURLWithTransportSettings(): OLD URL - http://SCCMSRV01.domain.pl/SMS_MP    DataTransferService    2013-08-02 10:52:28    44312 (0xAD18)
UpdateURLWithTransportSettings(): NEW URL - http://SCCMSRV01.domain.pl:80/SMS_MP    DataTransferService    2013-08-02 10:52:28    44312 (0xAD18)
Added (source=.sms_pol?WRO20146-WRO0006A-9A35FD00.1_00,dest={1FEF9F05-C6EE-4825-ABA3-A0524765E569}.tmp) pair from manifest.    DataTransferService    2013-08-02 10:52:28    44312 (0xAD18)
DTSJob {F7B9EB0E-F104-4A8F-B884-771D78205282} created to download from 'http://SCCMSRV01.domain.pl:80/SMS_MP' to 'C:\Windows\CCM\Temp'.    DataTransferService    2013-08-02 10:52:28    44312 (0xAD18)
DTSJob {F7B9EB0E-F104-4A8F-B884-771D78205282} in state 'PendingDownload'.    DataTransferService    2013-08-02 10:52:28    61696 (0xF100)
DTSFlag is 0x0000bc8a    DataTransferService    2013-08-02 10:52:29    61696 (0xF100)
Exclude file list:     DataTransferService    2013-08-02 10:52:29    61696 (0xF100)
Using branch cache option    DataTransferService    2013-08-02 10:52:29    61696 (0xF100)
DTSJob {F7B9EB0E-F104-4A8F-B884-771D78205282} in state 'DownloadingData'.    DataTransferService    2013-08-02 10:52:29    61696 (0xF100)
DTSJob {F7B9EB0E-F104-4A8F-B884-771D78205282} in state 'RetrievedData'.    DataTransferService    2013-08-02 10:52:47    61672 (0xF0E8)
DTSJob {F7B9EB0E-F104-4A8F-B884-771D78205282} successfully completed download.    DataTransferService    2013-08-02 10:52:47    61672 (0xF0E8)
DTSJob {F7B9EB0E-F104-4A8F-B884-771D78205282} in state 'NotifiedComplete'.    DataTransferService    2013-08-02 10:52:47    44312 (0xAD18)
DTS job {F7B9EB0E-F104-4A8F-B884-771D78205282} has completed:
    Status : SUCCESS,
    Start time : 08/02/2013 10:52:28,
    Completion time : 08/02/2013 10:52:47,
    Elapsed time : 18 seconds    DataTransferService    2013-08-02 10:52:47    44312 (0xAD18)

So for me it seemed everything was allright, later I have checked the ContentTransferManager.log:

Starting CTM job {8BBAAE65-7549-4B57-8651-630B600FF7BC}.    ContentTransferManager    2013-08-02 07:07:37    7428 (0x1D04)
Starting CTM job {AB9D3FC4-17FF-484B-BD7E-288BF695E026}.    ContentTransferManager    2013-08-02 10:52:48    61696 (0xF100)
Created CTM job {AB9D3FC4-17FF-484B-BD7E-288BF695E026} for user S-1-5-18    ContentTransferManager    2013-08-02 10:52:48    61696 (0xF100)
Created and Sent Location Request '{E5143893-7C75-421E-898A-8C4DE7CE57FA}' for package WRO0006A    ContentTransferManager    2013-08-02 10:52:48    55380 (0xD854)
CTM job {AB9D3FC4-17FF-484B-BD7E-288BF695E026} entered phase CCM_DOWNLOADSTATUS_DOWNLOADING_DATA    ContentTransferManager    2013-08-02 10:52:48    55380 (0xD854)
Queued location request '{E5143893-7C75-421E-898A-8C4DE7CE57FA}' for CTM job '{AB9D3FC4-17FF-484B-BD7E-288BF695E026}'.    ContentTransferManager    2013-08-02 10:52:48    55380 (0xD854)

Here also seemed to be ok, but after a while, it wasn't going to Persisted locations for CTM job line, the next line should look like this:

Persisted locations for CTM job {56F1683C-F883-411E-B963-6A868147EA10}:
    (LOCAL) http://SCCM01SRV.domain.pl/SMS_DP_SMSPKG$/Content_bc428407-54be-40f7-ab09-518d83f591c8.1    ContentTransferManager    2013-07-04 12:19:35    33744 (0x83D0)

So I looked at the execmgr.log

The logged on user is domain.pl\pawel.jarosz    execmgr    2013-08-02 07:07:49    5392 (0x1510)
Requesting content from CAS for package WRO0006A version 1    execmgr    2013-08-02 10:52:48    61696 (0xF100)
Policy arrived for parent package WRO0006A program Gimp 2.8.4    execmgr    2013-08-02 10:52:48    61672 (0xF0E8)
Raising client SDK event for class CCM_Program, instance CCM_Program.PackageID="WRO0006A",ProgramID="Gimp 2.8.4", actionType 6l, value NULL, user NULL, session 4294967295l, level 0l, verbosity 30l    execmgr    2013-08-02 10:52:48    61672 (0xF0E8)
Raising event:
[SMS_CodePage(852), SMS_LocaleID(1045)]
instance of SoftDistProgramOfferReceivedEvent
    AdvertisementId = "WRO20146";
    ClientID = "GUID:9CD52450-3D15-46D6-A907-0DBD7E2F4FE1";
    DateTime = "20130802085248.054000+000";
    MachineName = "WROPI01PJ";
    ProcessID = 5840;
    SiteCode = "WRO";
    ThreadID = 61672;
    execmgr    2013-08-02 10:52:48    61672 (0xF0E8)
Successfully created a content request handle {5257F3D8-DFF1-41C1-A7C1-73B91DA47E6D} for the package WRO0006A version 1    execmgr    2013-08-02 10:52:48    61696 (0xF100)
Program Gimp 2.8.4 change to state STATE_ADVANCED_DOWNLOAD content in progress    execmgr    2013-08-02 10:52:48    61696 (0xF100)
Execution Request for advert WRO20146 package WRO0006A program Gimp 2.8.4 state change from NotExist to AdvancedDownload    execmgr    2013-08-02 10:52:48    61696 (0xF100)
Raising client SDK event for class CCM_Program, instance CCM_Program.PackageID="WRO0006A",ProgramID="Gimp 2.8.4", actionType 1l, value , user NULL, session 4294967295l, level 0l, verbosity 30l    execmgr    2013-08-02 10:52:48    61696 (0xF100)
Mandatory execution requested for program Gimp 2.8.4 and advertisement WRO20146    execmgr    2013-08-02 10:52:48    61696 (0xF100)
Creating mandatory request for advert WRO20146, program Gimp 2.8.4, package WRO0006A    execmgr    2013-08-02 10:52:48    61696 (0xF100)
Raising event:
[SMS_CodePage(852), SMS_LocaleID(1045)]
instance of SoftDistWaitingContentEvent
    AdvertisementId = "WRO20146";
    ClientID = "GUID:9CD52450-3D15-46D6-A907-0DBD7E2F4FE1";
    DateTime = "20130802085248.144000+000";
    MachineName = "WROPI01PJ";
    PackageName = "WRO0006A";
    PackageVersion = "1";
    ProcessID = 5840;
    ProgramName = "Gimp 2.8.4";
    SiteCode = "WRO";
    ThreadID = 61696;
    execmgr    2013-08-02 10:52:48    61696 (0xF100)
Successfully raised SoftDistWaitingContentEvent event for program Gimp 2.8.4    execmgr    2013-08-02 10:52:48    61696 (0xF100)
Execution Request for advert WRO20146 package WRO0006A program Gimp 2.8.4 state change from WaitingDependency to WaitingContent    execmgr    2013-08-02 10:52:48    61696 (0xF100)
Raising client SDK event for class CCM_Program, instance CCM_Program.PackageID="WRO0006A",ProgramID="Gimp 2.8.4", actionType 1l, value , user NULL, session 4294967295l, level 0l, verbosity 30l    execmgr    2013-08-02 10:52:48    61696 (0xF100)
Raising client SDK event for class CCM_Program, instance CCM_Program.PackageID="WRO0006A",ProgramID="Gimp 2.8.4", actionType 1l, value NULL, user NULL, session 4294967295l, level 0l, verbosity 30l    execmgr    2013-08-02 10:52:48    62952 (0xF5E8)

So i was stupid now :) The entry says Program Gimp 2.8.4 change to state STATE_ADVANCED_DOWNLOAD content in progress but it isn't!

I was googling a little bit more, and find this blog entry:


"Issue 3: Configuration Manager 2007" says about issue I had, although it was saying about SCCM 2007 I decided to give it a shot :)

To make change you need to make change is SQL Management studio on SCCM database:

After that change, all tha packages started to be properly distributed to clients :)

poniedziałek, 1 lipca 2013

SCCM 2012 – Content distribution to Distribution Points – “Error during connection to SMS_DP$” and “0×80041013″.

Today one of mine colleagues from Helpdesk, asked me why one package hasn't been distributed correctly to some Distribution Points. The <strong>PkgXferMgr.log</strong> said to me that:

There is no existing connection, Win32 error = 67    SMS_PACKAGE_TRANSFER_MANAGER    2013-06-28 02:37:49    9192 (0x23E8)
There is no existing connection, Win32 error = 67    SMS_PACKAGE_TRANSFER_MANAGER    2013-06-28 02:37:49    9192 (0x23E8)
Error during connection to \\DPJAS.DOMAIN.COM\SMS_DP$ (67).    SMS_PACKAGE_TRANSFER_MANAGER    2013-06-28 02:37:49    9192 (0x23E8)
Error is considered fatal.    SMS_PACKAGE_TRANSFER_MANAGER    2013-06-28 02:37:49    9192 (0x23E8)
Cannot connect to server DPJAS.DOMAIN.COM at remote site DPJAS.DOMAIN.COM, won't try send requests going to site DPJAS.DOMAIN.COM for an hour or until there are no active send requests.    SMS_PACKAGE_TRANSFER_MANAGER    2013-06-28 02:37:49    9192 (0x23E8)
Could not establish connection.    SMS_PACKAGE_TRANSFER_MANAGER    2013-06-28 02:37:49    9192 (0x23E8)
Attempt to connect failed.    SMS_PACKAGE_TRANSFER_MANAGER    2013-06-28 02:37:49    9192 (0x23E8)
Notifying pkgXferJobMgr    SMS_PACKAGE_TRANSFER_MANAGER    2013-06-28 02:37:49    9192 (0x23E8)
Sending failed. Failure count = 26, Restart time = 6/28/2013 3:07:49 AM Central European Daylight Time    SMS_PACKAGE_TRANSFER_MANAGER    2013-06-28 02:37:49    9192 (0x23E8)

I was astonished because I haven't changed anything, as I logged on DPJAS server it appared that one of my administrator colleague has moved the SMS_DP$ share. Not only moved but moved and forgot to share it again, so it wasn't visible on the network. I turned sharing again, gave proper permissions, and one more time looked in log after redistributing content.

The message I that have received was:

ExecStaticMethod failed (80041013) SMS_DistributionPoint, AddFile    SMS_PACKAGE_TRANSFER_MANAGER    2013-07-01 12:19:13    11128 (0x2B78)
CSendFileAction::SendFiles failed; 0x80041013    SMS_PACKAGE_TRANSFER_MANAGER    2013-07-01 12:19:13    11128 (0x2B78)
CSendFileAction::SendFiles failed; 0x80041013    SMS_PACKAGE_TRANSFER_MANAGER    2013-07-01 12:19:13    11128 (0x2B78)
Notifying pkgXferJobMgr    SMS_PACKAGE_TRANSFER_MANAGER    2013-07-01 12:19:13    11128 (0x2B78)
Sending failed. Failure count = 1, Restart time = 7/1/2013 12:49:13 PM Central European Daylight Time    SMS_PACKAGE_TRANSFER_MANAGER    2013-07-01 12:19:13    11128 (0x2B78)

After about 30 minutes of trying that operation to run on other DPs, I moved that folder to D drive where it was - my colleague moved it to the F drive.

Another redistribution operation, and guess what :) I t was the drive fault! Still do not how could it be as long as the share was visible properly :/

czwartek, 27 czerwca 2013

[SOLVED] Tivoli Data Protection for Microsoft SQL Server and Lync Server 2013 database backup.

Lately I was trying to make backup of Lync Server 2013 databases with Tivoli Data Protection for Microsoft SQL Server.

Tivoli client in version installed correctly. Lync Server 2013 installs 3 instances on the server, those instances' names are: RTC, RTCLOCAL and LYNCLOCAL.

To none of them I couldn't connect with TSM DP. I was trying many configurations in tdpsql.cfg file, but no luck. As I was inputting as FROMSQLserver and SQLserver the <SERVER_NAME> I got error ACO5424E.

About which we can find here that is the name problem, so after running "select @@servername" it returned me "<SERVER_NAME>\RTC". After inputting it in the configuration file not much has changed, because I was receiving ACO5422E which seems to be findable in the Internet, but my error was 0x80130151 which gives us 0 entries in uncle google.

The first thought was - "I bet it is the version failure". So I installed version, before I had to install some of the Visual Studio 2010 prerequisites. But, as I opened it, and went to "Protect and Recover Data" there was nothing... a desert of nothingness...

So another hour of modifying config files and the idea of returning the the previous version appeared. So I have uninstalled the new one, and installed the version. And... guess what :) the client has connected correctly! It may have been the lack of that Visual Studio 2010 components, the new client may also have repaired some configuration files (but AFAIK there are only 3 which were ok).

[SOLVED] WSUS doesn't approves updates, although it has proper "approval rule".

Recently I had a strange symptom, for example, when newly created Windows 7 client was searching updates on the Microsoft Update website it saw about 150 of updates, at the same time seeing 1 from local WSUS server.

Sometimes I use to say that something is simple as shovel... or fu*king. WSUS should be one of those things, but apparently it is not. I was already one battle with it - TECHNET THREAD.
Hence I know that WSUS can be let say, a pain in the ass, in parlance.

That state with updates was a little bit strange, all the more, I have "Automatic Approval" rule on my WSUS for almost all updates - i'm just not approving the Service Packs.

The investigation lead me to our root WSUS server. As I looked at the "Update Report" of one conflict update the state was "Not Approved". I was astonished. Why for God's sake! Doesn't the rule says you shall install it you stupid motherfu*ker!

I tried to restart services, the whole server, there was no warnings, no error in event logs.

Then, as I was for hundred time waching the "Automatic Approval" dialog box, I picked one rule, and I thought "hmmm.. why not" and clicked the "Run now" button.

After that operation the updates started to be available for clients!

Apparently the "run now" operation unblocked the pipe :) But what was the reason for that, have no idea :/

niedziela, 7 kwietnia 2013

[SOLVED] – A management group with the same name (xxxx) is already registerted to data warehouse management group “xxxx”

Hi all,

Recently I had a problem. The Data Warehouse server [SCDW] has detached from my Service Manager server [SCSM]. Without any reason :/

I have read in the Internet to unregister it and register again - "Wow, seems to be easy as pie" - I though, I have unregistered it, but trying to register it once again I have received an error:

"A management group with the same name (xxxx) is already registerted to data warehouse management group "xxxx"

Shit, what to do now?! Not many articles were written about it in the Internet, In fact, I have found just one:


The Unregister-SCDWSource didn't worked for me - because It has been already unregistered. The hope seems to be one powershell command:


But it does not persist in System Center 2012, it was in 2012 version.

So the only hope was from one guy that has been dealing with it in test environment, and resolved by removing 3 records from database:

  FROM [DWStagingAndConfig].[dbo].[MT_Microsoft$SystemCenter$ResourceAccessLayer$SdkResourceStore]

I have tried that command, saw the records and deleted them, and guess what? The SCDW wizzard has moved!.. BUT! at the last page, where "create" button is, I have received an error:

"Data source is already registered with the datawarehouse"

So the same error that one guy wrote on that froum.

So, still shit. maybe even bigger, so I went back to the snapshot, and tried to fight it without modyfying the database.

I made up final decision to uninstall the SCDW server. But still I wasn't sure it would help, but no risk no fun.

After removing it, I started the installation wizzard.

I was considering to install it with the old database's names, or give new ones. The second choice was better, in fact, if I would left the old names, the field with management group was grayed out, so basically I don't think that would help with "A group is in use..." problem, because I would use the same group during registering, and I wanted to change that group name. The wizzard made it for me - for each database name it added "_1", so I simply accepted it.

From last time I remembered that the SCDW installation process it is easy as pie, so I was very astonished when on "Configure Analysis Services for OLAP cubes" I have received error "A server in unavailable" - "what the hack" - the wizzard has perfectly worked with databases in previous steps - as wrote, it discovered that I have done it before and databases persists - it has added the "_1" sign after each DB name. Why it cannot connect to DB server in this step?!

First thought was to checked the Analysis Service on my SQL server - a good old service restart :) but it didn't helped, so maybe the permissions? I have changed the user on which I was installing the SCDW server (those fields where you give username and password in wizzard), but no luck.

With a help of that post:


I have discovered the log file, and guess what was in file?:

Error:GetSqlInstanceList(), Exception Type: Microsoft.AnalysisServices.OperationException, Exception Message: File system error: The following file is corrupted: Physical file: ...\Data\DWASDataBase.0.db\ReviewActivityDim.0.dim\5.ApprovalCondition_ReviewActivityApprovalId.(All).sstore. Logical file.

That would make sence - because as the wizzard changed the databases names in previous steps - adding "_1", it hasn't done it in this step! It was weird because I have checked "create new database" and It didn't find the old one - but what it has common with connecting to the database server?! I mean the file name :/

The same was happening when I have checked "use existing database", so apparently, the wizzard just didn't changed the database name because it couldn't connect to DB server. I have changed the DB name by adding "_1" and clicked "next", and guess what? "A server in unavailable"...

What the hell!!! What is common in connection to server and corrupted OLD!!!  database file name.

I have looked at the log file - the error was exactly the same!!! So apparently the SCSM wizzard has a bug, and even having inputed a new name, it tries to install OLAP cubes under one name "DWASDataBase" in the same old folder "DWASDataBase.0.db".

I have logged on the DB server, stopped the Analysis Service, renamed the folder to "DWASDataBase.0.db_BAK", rerun the service, and... guess what :) The wizzard pass the step to the end, the installation was finalized successfully.

I have logged to my SCSM server and tried to register the SCDW server - WORKED LIKE A CHARM!

wtorek, 5 marca 2013

ActiveSync - list of devices synced in last 14 days.

If somebody would like to get a list of devices that are synced with Exchange here is a command, could be helpful for someone.

Get-Mailbox -ResultSize Unlimited -OrganizationalUnit 'OU=<YOUR_OU>,DC=<YOUR_DOMAIN>,DC=com' | foreach-object { Get-ActiveSyncDeviceStatistics -mailbox $_.alias |  where {$_.Lastsuccesssync -gt (Get-Date).AddDays("-14")} | foreach-object {$_.Identity} } |  export-csv c:\ActiveSyncList.csv -encoding unicode

It lists devices that have been synced during last 14 days, because sometimes people have old deviced that visible in Exchange.

poniedziałek, 4 marca 2013

TSM - monitoring DB backup state with ZABBIX.

Hi Guys,

If you would like to monitor your TSM server with ZABBIX for ex., here are some useful selects to TSM database. Below are user parameters that has to be put in zabbix_agentd.conf:

UserParameter=Scratch,%systemroot%\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe /nologo "C:\zabbix\TsmInformation.ps1 1"
UserParameter=Buffhit,%systemroot%\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe /nologo "C:\zabbix\TsmInformation.ps1 2"
UserParameter=FreeSpaceDb,%systemroot%\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe /nologo "C:\zabbix\TsmInformation.ps1 3"
UserParameter=FreeSpaceLog,%systemroot%\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe /nologo "C:\zabbix\TsmInformation.ps1 4"
UserParameter=SchedulesMissed,%systemroot%\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe /nologo "C:\zabbix\TsmInformation.ps1 5"
UserParameter=SchedulesFailed,%systemroot%\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe /nologo "C:\zabbix\TsmInformation.ps1 6"
UserParameter=PathsOffline,%systemroot%\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe /nologo "C:\zabbix\TsmInformation.ps1 7"
UserParameter=HighSGTUtilization,%systemroot%\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe /nologo "C:\zabbix\TsmInformation.ps1 8"
UserParameter=RwErrors,%systemroot%\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe /nologo "C:\zabbix\TsmInformation.ps1 9"
UserParameter=UnVolumes,%systemroot%\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe /nologo "C:\zabbix\TsmInformation.ps1 10"
UserParameter=UnHosts,%systemroot%\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe /nologo "C:\zabbix\TsmInformation.ps1 11"
UserParameter=Scratch_BCKP,%systemroot%\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe /nologo "C:\zabbix\TsmInformation.ps1 12"
UserParameter=Scratch_OFF,%systemroot%\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe /nologo "C:\zabbix\TsmInformation.ps1 13"
UserParameter=TsmBackupStatus,%systemroot%\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe /nologo "C:\zabbix\TsmInformation.ps1 14"
And here is a powershell script that retrieves those pieces of information:

switch ($select) 
        1 {$select = "select count(*) as Scratch from libvolumes where status='Scratch'"} 
        2 {$select = "select buff_hit_ratio from db"} 
        3 {$select = "select cast((free_space_mb/1024) as decimal(8,2)) from db"}
        4 {$select = "select free_space_mb/1024 from log"} 
        5 {$select = "select count(*) from events where status='Missed'"}
        6 {$select = "select count(*) from events where status='Failed'"}
        7 {$select = "select count(*) from paths where NOT online='YES'"}
        8 {$select = "select count(*) from stgpools where pct_utilized>95"}
        9 {$select = "select count(*) from volumes where read_errors>0 or write_errors>0"}
       10 {$select = "select count(*) from volumes where access='UNAVAILABLE'"}
       11 {$select = "select count(*) from nodes where node_name NOT IN (select node_name from associations)"} 
       12 {$select = "select count(*) as Scratch from libvolumes where status='Scratch' and library_name='TS3310_BCKP'"}
       13 {$select = "select count(*) as Scratch from libvolumes where status='Scratch' and library_name='TS3310_OFF'"}
       14 {$select = "select last_backup_date from DB"}
        default {"BRAK PARAMETRÓW"}

$a = (& C:\Progra~1\Tivoli\TSM\baclient\dsmadmc.exe -optfile=C:\Progra~1\Tivoli\TSM\baclient\dsm.opt -id=Admin -pa=<PUT_HERE_YOUR_TSM_PASSWORD> -display=list -dataonly=yes "$select")
$b = $a | Select-Object -first 1
$c = $b.split(":")
$d = $c[1].Substring(1)
#$d = $d.replace(".",",")
if ( $d -match " ") {
    $e = $d.split(" ")
    $f = $e[0].Substring(0)
    $d = Get-Date
    $data = (get-date).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")
    $data2 = (get-date).AddDays(-1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")
if (($f -eq $data) -or (($f -eq $data2) -and ($d.Hour -lt "10")) ){
    } else { $f }
} else { $d }

SCCM 2007 to 2012 migration scripts for colletions and packages.

I am still planning to write the whole great and shiny article about my operation of SCCM 2007 to 2012 migration :], but firstly I would like to publish couple of scripts that were very helpful for me.
1. The need of changing the "parent collection" for some collections came because we plan to use SCCM for managing the servers also, but we want to limit the ability of managing them to Administrators only. We do not want helpdesk admins - that are creating packages - to deploy accidentially package on any of them, or simply to have any access to them.

New SCCM has great ability - oh my God finally!!! - to restrict permissions on particular collections. So I left collection "All system" in the root "Device collections", later I have created collection "All Workstations Helpdesk", with limitation to "All systems" with proper query based on OU's that is limiting it to just workstations, and put it in the folder to which I gave permissions for my helpdesk admis.

That worked great! Helpdesk Admins didn't have any ability to change "All Workstations Helpdesk" membership, because they didn't have permissions for (and accually didn't even saw) "All systems" collection. And they could buil new collections based on that collection.

Old collections had to be migrated - there were advertisements that was deployed on them, my colleagues made them to make some reports for managers, or just for themselves.

The problem was, all old collections had "parent collection" set to "All systems". Standing in front on 400 collections I made up a decision.

- Fuck, i need a script...

So here it is:

# Here I am setting up date just for logging purposes.

$date = Get-Date
$data = Get-Date –f "yyyy-MM-dd_HH";
$log_file = "c:\SCCM_Collections_Migration_$data.log"

$All_Collections = (gc c:\Collection_Name_List.txt)


Foreach ($kolekcja in $All_Collections) {
$Collection = $kolekcja
if ($Collection -eq "All Systems")

# We take the name of the current parent collection for collection that is beind processed - just in case we want to revert changes (useful :))

$Old_Collection = (Get-WmiObject -Namespace "root\SMS\Site_WRO" -Class SMS_Collection -Filter "Name='$Collection'")
$Stara_kol = $Old_Collection.LimitToCollectionName

# Here make the change of the collection, we need to know the name of the new collection AND it's ID!

$CollectionQuery = Get-WmiObject -Namespace "root\SMS\Site_WRO" -Class SMS_Collection -Filter "Name='$Collection'"
$CollectionQuery.LimitToCollectionName = "All Workstations"
$CollectionQuery.LimitToCollectionID = "WRO0000B"

#Just for logging pusposes - taking the new collection name - to be sure it has changed

$New_Collection = (Get-WmiObject -Namespace "root\SMS\Site_WRO" -Class SMS_Collection -Filter "Name='$Collection'")
$Nowa_kol = $New_Collection.LimitToCollectionName

# Here we are writing output to the file, if the names od ids are not the same - the error is being writed to the file. The error logging is maybe not so sophisticated but is enought :)

if (($Old_Collection.LimitToCollectionName -ne $New_Collection.LimitToCollectionName) -and ($Old_Collection.LimitToCollectionID -ne $New_Collection.LimitToCollectionID)) {
$Data_row = "Success, for collection "+$Collection+" old limiting collection "+$Stara_kol+" has been changed to "+$Nowa_kol
Add-Content $log_file "$Data_row"
} else {
$Data_row = "ERROR The problem occured when changing the parent collection!"
Add-Content $log_file "$Data_row"


The problem I met was migration of packages. Before running the migration I didn't realize the problem, hance I was really fucking astonished when after migration the packages/advertisements I saw in distmgr.log flood of errors saying that SCCM cannot find appropriate path for sources.

I was like:

Apparently I have missed one fundamental thing - migration taks do not migrate sources and do not change the path on it.

Well... shit :)

I have moved the sources but I was left with almoust hundred of packages in which I had to change path to sources. Additionally I have noticed that some packages had relative path, and some not.
Here is a script for that, :
$CollectionQuery = Get-WmiObject -Namespace "root\SMS\Site_WRO" -Class SMS_Package
Foreach ($Pakiet in $CollectionQuery) {
$Sciezka = $Pakiet.PkgSourcePath
$Poprawka = $Sciezka.Replace("D:\<LOCAL_PATH.","\\<NEW_SCCM_SERVER>\E$").Replace("\\<OLD_SCCM_SERVER>\d$","\\<NEW_SCCM_SERVER>\E$")
$Pakiet.PkgSourcePath = $Poprawka

niedziela, 3 marca 2013

Listing permissions for Sharepoint 2010 - including information about inheritable permissions lists/libraries and files

I am about to describe my struggling with SCCM 2007 to 2012 upgrade, but just before that I would like to share with you guys a script I was dreaming to have time to write to.

I am talking about script that is listing permissions for sharepoint and all libraries and files that don't inherit permissions.

It was slightly a horrible nightmare for me to list permissions for the web application - there was a time, where users had power to grant permissions for folders and files. After a couple of years there was an idea from the managment - let's take back those permissions and put everythign in User Rights Management system...

First thought:
- F*#k
Second - much the same. Finally I had some time and written a script that lets me to specify precisely on what file in what library who the hell has permissions :D

Here it is:

$url = "http://<WEB_APPLICATION_NAME>"
$site = Get-SPWeb ($url)
$pliki = @()

foreach ($web in $site.Site.AllWebs)

# if ($web.Url.StartsWith($url)) { # Uncomment for listing whe whole web application

  if ($web.Url -match "http://<WEB_APPLICATION_NAME>/<SOME_FOLDER>") { #Uncomment to list just one particular site


    $host.ui.RawUI.ForegroundColor = “Green”;
    Write-Host ("PErmissions for website " + $web.Name + " ,Url: " + $web.Url)
    $lists = $web.Lists
    Write-Host "Website contains the content libraries:"
    $host.ui.RawUI.ForegroundColor = “white”;
    foreach ($list in $lists) {

# (START) Getting the files with non heritable permissions
        foreach ($ll in $list.items){
            if ($ll.HasUniqueRoleAssignments -match "True"){
            $e = $ll.url
               foreach ($upr_f in $ll.RoleAssignments){
               $f = $upr_f.member.name
               $g = $upr_f.RoleDefinitionBindings | foreach {$_.name}
               $paczka = "$e,$f,$g"
               $pliki += $paczka
# (END) Getting the files with non heritable permissions

# (START) Getting the list/libraries with inheritable permissions

    $l = $list.folders
    foreach ($upr in $l){

#   if ($upr.name -match "Systemy - admini"){ #Uncoment if you would like to list particular list/library, do not forget
#   to uncommenct the bracket below
    $a= $upr.Url
    $b = $upr.HasUniqueRoleAssignments
        if ($b -eq "True"){
        $host.ui.RawUI.ForegroundColor = “green”;
        Write-Host "The list/library with unique permissions:"
        $host.ui.RawUI.ForegroundColor = “yellow”;
        foreach ($u in $upr.RoleAssignments){
        $c = $u.member.name
        $d = $u.RoleDefinitionBindings | foreach {$_.name}
        Write-Host "$a, $c, $d"
        if ($pliki) {
        $host.ui.RawUI.ForegroundColor = “Green”;
        Write-Host "Files with unique permissions"
        $host.ui.RawUI.ForegroundColor = “yellow”;

    $pliki = @()
    $host.ui.RawUI.ForegroundColor = “Green”;
    Write-host "#-------------"
    $host.ui.RawUI.ForegroundColor = “white”;
#   } Bracket for "IF" specifying list/library

# (END) Getting the list/libraries with inheritable permissions


piątek, 1 marca 2013

Reports migration form SCCM 2007 to SCCM 2012

Recenty I had some troubles during reports migration from SCCM 2007 to SCCM 2012.

By the way - I am going to write a quite big article about my struggling with SCCM upgrade - I hope the migration nightmare will ends this month :)

So as I was saying, after migrating reports I was received such an error:

The report server cannot process the report or shared dataset. The shared data source 'AutoGen__5C6358F2_4BB6_4a1b_A16E_8D96795D8602_' for the report server or SharePoint site is not valid. Browse to the server or site and select a shared data source. (rsInvalidDataSourceReference)

Stack Trace:
   at Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms.ServerReportSoapProxy.OnSoapException(SoapException e)
   at Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms.Internal.Soap.ReportingServices2005.Execution.RSExecutionConnection.ProxyMethodInvocation.Execute[TReturn](RSExecutionConnection connection, ProxyMethod`1 initialMethod, ProxyMethod`1 retryMethod)
   at Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms.Internal.Soap.ReportingServices2005.Execution.RSExecutionConnection.LoadReport(String Report, String HistoryID)
   at Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms.ServerReport.EnsureExecutionSession()
   at Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms.ServerReport.SetParameters(IEnumerable`1 parameters)
   at Microsoft.ConfigurationManagement.AdminConsole.SrsReporting.ReportViewerWindowsForms.SetParameterValues_DoWork(Object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)

I couldn't find what is the issue, I was doing it with the ReportSync tool I have read about here:


But there was nothing about that error :/ so I was searching further and found that great article, it is quite similar buuut... it has explanation of how to get rid of thta error :)


Blog is written as a one page so you have to search by "Migrate the SCCM 2007 reports to SCCM 2012" header.

In case the website was no longer available - you have to do the fallowing after migration:

1. Go to to website http://<your_sqlreporting_server>/reports
2. Go to report that you have problem with
3. Click on it - so you will have error on the screen
4. Click on the report name on the top of the page (for ex. if your path to the report on the top looks like "Home > ConfigMgr_WRO > Asset Intelligence > Hardware 01A - Summary of computers in a specific collection" <- click on the bolded name) - it will lead you to the properties of the report.
5. Change the datasource of the report - don't worry if the "test connecion" won't work.
6. Go to report and run it :) it should be all fine

Unfortunatelly I have had about hundreds of reports to correct the data source, figuring out the script was the priority :) I have found a great script on that website:


For me it was like:

$newDataSourcePath = "/ConfigMgr_WRO/{5C6358F2-4BB6-4a1b-A16E-8D96795D8602}";
$newDataSourceName = "AutoGen__5C6358F2_4BB6_4a1b_A16E_8D96795D8602_";
$SiteCode = "WRO"
$serverName = "WROSCCM"
$reportFolder = "/ConfigMgr_WRO/ConfigMgr_OldSite";

$ssrs = New-WebServiceProxy -uri http://$serverName/ReportServer/ReportService2005.asmx?WSDL -UseDefaultCredential

$reports = $ssrs.ListChildren($reportFolder, $True)

$reports | ForEach-Object {
    $reportPath = $_.path

   $dataSources = $ssrs.GetItemDataSources($reportPath)
    $dataSources | ForEach-Object {
        $proxyNamespace = $_.GetType().Namespace
        $myDataSource = New-Object ("$proxyNamespace.DataSource")
        $myDataSource.Name = $newDataSourceName
        $myDataSource.Item = New-Object ("$proxyNamespace.DataSourceReference")
        $myDataSource.Item.Reference = $newDataSourcePath
        $_.item = $myDataSource.Item
        $ssrs.SetItemDataSources($reportPath, $_)
        Write-Host "Report's DataSource Reference ($($_.Name)): $($_.Item.Reference)";


The script will modify all reports in the "$reportFolder" and it's subfolders! Isn't it great!?