wtorek, 24 września 2013

SCCM 2012 - *.bat files are not being copied to distribution point

We've recently installed the new IntelSCS addon for AMT Vpro on SCCM 2012 -> https://downloadcenter.intel.com/Detail_Desc.aspx?lang=eng&DwnldID=20921
Couple of days ago I had this strange ticket form our application administrator, he told me that there is some sort of problem with IntelSCS package (that was automatically created by the IntelSCS addon). In workstation log I found information that file "Remote_Discover.bat" was not found:


That was bit of strange, additionally because this package was created by the addon itself.
The first step was to check if those files are in the distribution point, it appeared that all files, beside all *.bat files, were copied successfuly:

I checked the source path in packade, it was ok. It was pointing to the “Local folder on site server” it was like E:\…. and was ok, the bat files was also there.
I reached to the bottom of my mind ;) and reminded that it might be something with that local paths, I have changed the path to “Network path (UNC name)“. After updating distribution point with that package – guess what :) , it was ok now:

So if some of your files won’t distribute, firstly think about changing the path to the sources from Local  to UNC.

ZABBIX - listing permissions

Today one of our security officer asked me to retrieve a list of users and permissions from our zabbix systems.

The problem occured while I was trying to associate users' groups to hosts' groups. There is in fact one subsite "permissions" under "Administration" -> "Users" after clicking on particular group link. But you cannot copy any information from there. Additionally if you have many groups that would be tidious task.

Instead of that I decided to retrieve the permissions from the database: here is the working sql command:

SELECT r.permission as "Permissions", g.name as "User Group", z.name as "Host Group" FROM zabbix.rights as r
join zabbix.usrgrp as g
on r.groupid = g.usrgrpid
join zabbix.groups as z
on z.groupid = r.id

2 in the "permission" column means "read" access, 3 means "read/write" permissions.